Read more for WIPs!
1. Sketch. |
2. Color mapping. |
3. Painting. |
4. More painting. |
5. ???
6. Profit! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ (tbh I forgot to take more WIPs www)
Actually... I wasn't going to draw them. I was going to draw 4 girls since I figured I need practice on group pictures. But then... there was black out when I was in the middle of saving, so... the file got corrupted. It really broke my heart; so much that I cried for an hour. ;___;
I had spent 2 days with the painting and things were going so well, I was already halfway through! The only thing left was the fourth girl and some finishing (such as background and upper-ground). But then the black out broke my heart just like that. Sigh. I should admit I was stupid for not keeping a backup.
Even though the .psd file got corrupted, I have some WIPs of it. Figured out some of you will still enjoy the WIPs, so here you go.
1. Clean sketch. |
2. Color mapping |
3. Threw the basic color of the girls in. |
4. Painting. |
4. More painting. Basic shading on the second girl. |
5. Paint the details. |
I had painted the third girl but... I didn't took a WIP photo.... And then... black out........... ;_____;
I still can't let it go fully.
Oh well. Time heals wound, I guess....
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