2016 starts now!

...well actually yesterday but whatever.

shame all over my face
It's that time of the year again. (Lengthy post ahead!)

What? Are we supposed to see how we've improved this year by putting our art throughout the years side by side? All I can see is how my drawings get shittier...

...what a gloomy way to start a post!!!

Anyway, I haven't write something lengthy in a while, so I guess I'd give it a go! I kind of miss writing trivial things like this— it's not like i have no friends to talk with okay *cri e  s*

The second semester of my junior year starts! This month, I moved to my grandma's house as hers was closer to school than my own home. I was rather ambitious about school and made promise to myself to not turn my computer on on weekdays. On weekend, I'd rather play games/watch movies/read comics/do homework haha no instead of drawing. As a consequence, I didn't draw anything serious....

haha the drawing for this month is so fugly I can't draw boys for my own sake help Still no much access to computer. And when I do, I drew a shirtless guy instead pffft\ what can you say I'm a girl on my puberty years *wiggles eyebrows* Even though mid-semester exams were approaching, my motivation to be ambitious withered at the end of the month.... /sigh

I couldn't take care of my self properly so I got sick and would often take days off of school. That's when my parents decided that I have to move back in with them.... Didn't really do well at mid-semester exams too ah but what the hell!! I got into situation drama CDs and attempted to translate them. Haha, best experience in a while. Calling all fangirls: if you have any drama CD recommendation please suggest it to me!!!

I turned 17 normally, I guess. There was national exam for the seniors, so all freshmen and juniors had some day off. That's when I tried Photoshop CS6 and got hooked. Actually draw a lot, too. I went to Bali for a 7 days (or was it 8? I forgot....) field trip with school. It was rather fun and exciting.

Another TBH comic!!! At first I wanted to draw something with drama but then I thought it would be troublesome as the deadline is near, so I tried to be funny but hmm perhaps humor is not really my thing??? /silently crying/

H O L I D A Y YEAH!!!!! I think I went to... somewhere for holiday.... ... ...I did, did I not? This month is... .... ...? ??? Did nothing exciting happened to the point I forget everything that happen this month...? I guess I spent most of my holiday dozing off. Not good! :c

I joined my school's cultural festival committee, Gamarvani \o/ (an attempt to be more social y e a h) But I think at the time I was into Pathfinder...? So not focusing too much to the committee (im sorry boss). I lost the pen of my pen tablet around this time too. orz

School starts and suddenly I'm a senior! Bought new pen for my drawing tablet. Busy with Gamarvani committee. Joined cram school. Decided that I want to get into art school after all! Joined art class. Learned a better way to draw. However, I can't seem to find decent art for August's highlight. :(

Gamarvani! One of the most exciting things that have happened in my life. The festival was a success! There's documentation about the festival here. On a quite different note, this month, I realized that those who are passionate about their life- are wonderful. I respect that kind of person very much! I need to be more passionate about my life, aren't I?

My teacher said that I need to draw more observational drawing, so I tried to. At first it was hard to draw things by how it really looks rather than how I think it looks, but then I find it enjoyable more and more. (Still find it hard, though....) This is my turning point where I started to draw less of manga thingy. ...I also joined the #inktober but gave up on 4th day. (laughs)

Went to an art exhibition called ouTline. It was sooo inspirative! Took a lot of picture with my phone's camera. It's been a while since the last time I visited an art exhibition, so I was really excited. (haha) Invited some friends to go there together but couldn't seem to match our schedule, so I had to go there alone. Too bad! Bought watercolor sketchbook, too, since I was considering to try watercolor again.

Best Month of The Year, period.  Finals didn't go so well, but at least the semester has finished! Got addicted to watercolor once again. Finally using the watercolor set I got last year from my cousin for birthday:)) Joined watercolor workshop too! Also, my Japanese club had photo shoot for year book! We were feeling like dressing up real neat and decided that the theme will be mafia.

ayyy aren't we, like, the best squad everrr

I'm making strange face I know BYE Ah, just so you know, the club's leader is not the guy in the middle, but the guy sitting on a crate on the right instead... you know, the one wearing sunglasses and holding the (fake) pistol....

I still feel sooo happy about the photo shoot because, you know, since senior started the club hasn't been hanging out at all and, well, I kind of really really miss us hanging out together.... Honestly I almost tearing up back then haha phatetic. But seriously, high school almost ends (only one semester left! Gosh, isn't that a lot of time!) and I can't imagine the club's member going on their own separate way.... No, not just the club's member but everyone I've been friends with since high school! Isn't it going to be lonely?

Even though once we're in different universities and all, we'll be busy with our new life and get new friends and forget old memories— for now, I'm not ready to let go, you know...? I guess I have become dependent on them. It's silly to think that we were all nothing but strangers at first. But geez! No one cares about that,  right? All I can do is just be grateful that I can still be with them, all happy and healthy!

To aaall my dearest friend who read this, I know this might be too early to say this as we still have 4-5 months 'till graduation, but:
written in italic to emphasize thing yea
jajaja I feel like throwing up after writing something cheesy like that ew.... 

At the beginning of 2015, I made some resolutions for that year. Let's see how well I'm dealing with those.... (I have a bad feeling about this)
lymi's 2015 Resolution:
1. Get into the top ten in my class.
I'm not really sure about this since the school doesn't make ranking anymore. Well I guess I did alright this semester?
2. Finish the Bethari series.
HAHA who am I kidding? I only managed to update it one time.... gosh.
3. Draw at least two serious drawing each month so I won't have trouble for 2015 art summary. (lol)
...can I just-
...I don't do fine at all huh.... I don't kept any of the resolutions at all.... And to think I was trying to be realistic.... Oh, the irony. So no more resolutions for 2016!!! I'm just going to do my best!! Or maybe finish my 2015 resolutions.

2015 was very... consistent of me. At least desperate-attempt-to-stay-alive wise school's killing me. Over all, 2015 has been interesting for me, though. Due to personal reasons, I haven't been able to draw quite as much as I would've liked (then again, I always feel that way). The majority of my works this year is portraits. My biggest inspiration of this year has definitely been my emo days lol. I wonder why I draw better when I'm in my worst state?

I feel like my style is getting more and more inconsistent. :/ The only consistent thing in my drawing is perhaps the color scheme. I mean, look at that pink and purple and all the pastel color. I am trying to draw with better contrast but old habit is hard to unlearn. Still have sooo much room for improvement. I'll work hard!

Thank you for accompanying me for another year! Now, onto 2016, let's hope it will be better for all of us~


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