
Showing posts from August, 2017


cringe All I draw is faces, digitally. And today, I was reminded how bad I am at drawing anything other than faces. Even more traditionally. Ugh.


hot In a tropical country like mine, it's like summer. Not like I've actually experienced what a summer is, but, the weather feels hot all the time. However, I live in a fairly cold city which is a relief since I can't stand the hot weather! I don't think I can survive living abroad.... Hahaha.

twin tails

Megumi, my friend 's original character I have always thought that twin tails suited young girls very much. The hair style is so cute it feels childish but in a good way, like innocence. But somehow, I do not feel the innocent aura in this drawing. I wonder if it is because the color scheme I use?

Indonesia di Mataku

Dirgahayu Indonesia 72 Indonesia di mataku adalah negara tempatku lahir dan tumbuh besar. Kampung halaman yang kaya namun juga miskin di saat yang bersamaan. Aku mungkin bukan orang yang paling nasionalis yang pernah ada, tapi aku tetap berharap, suatu saat nanti aku bisa mengharumkan nama baik negeriku ini!

surgical mask

art trade for my friend from school ! Drawing this made me remember something about mask. when I was in middle high school, I acquired the habit of wearing surgical mask, even when I was not sick. It wasn't meant to be a fashion statement item or anything, but I guess it did become my identity.

sudah lama

sudah lama saya tidak buka halaman ini. gambar  yang sudah lama juga dan tidak ada sangkut pautnya sama sekali dengan catatan kali ini.